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Avatar for Internheadup

Hey, Can you help me out again ? :P I need to upload a bunch of images, what do you use to upload them ? I couldn't find a way to use it with AutoWikiBrowser :/

Avatar for SandovalCurse

Navigate to the category you want them to be categorized under, and edit the page. Then, just drag to the blue bar underneath the editing menu. This will allow you to mass upload!

Avatar for Internheadup

Hey, I wondered how you can do automatic edits ? Like how you did the categories for the images, is there an external program you use to edit multiple pages, or is there a way to do it within the wiki ? Thanks :)

Avatar for SandovalCurse

Hey there, if you create pages from a category page, they'll be auto marked as categories. Otherwise you can use something like AutoWikiBrowser to do the same.

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